Monday, November 24, 2008

Cat Out of the Bag

Okay, I could not resist the terrible title of this post. It's groan-worthy, I know. Anyhow, our customer Sandi sent this photo of her son's kittens Maverick and Crash snuggling up on her Laura Bee Travel Bag.

How perfect that their black and white fur pattern matches the purse! Still, I hope Sandi has a lint roller handy. What is it about cats and bags. Here's another cat on bag picture from a while back.

If these cuties have you all ready to snuggle with some felines of your own, take note. Our friends at the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee have two ultra-adorable kitten pairs available for adoption to good homes in the Seattle/Tacoma area. Please spread the word to anyone you know who's looking to adopt some lovebugs.


  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    awww, Sandi has two Samsons??? I had no idea! yes, they do look great on the bag.

    someone at the Tufts library saw my yellow Laura Bee and totally gushed over it. i gave her your website. pimp alert!

  2. Anonymous2:21 PM

    that was your sister, suzybuzz (i'm writing from the library computer).

  3. Anonymous2:24 PM

    it's the texture. kitties love anything with a different texture.

  4. Hi SuzyBuzz, they are new kitties to us... they were Asher's 13th birthday present : )

    And yes, I do have a lint roller, which is a good thing as they love getting cozy everywhere they're not supposed to be!

  5. Thanks for the shout out, Laura.

    Our available kitties look like they could be kitten cousins to Maverick and Cash!

    Cute bag,,cute kittens!

    Laurie and the IBKC
