Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And She's Off

Otis is in love with his Auntie Susannah, my sister. Each morning she stayed with us he'd sniff outside her door until she came out to play with him.

While she was in town, Susannah modeled some bags for our first professional fashion shoot. That's Sandi Heinrich on the right taking pictures at all of the Ballard hot spots. We had quite an adventure faking autumn on a hot August day.

Sandi sent me a quick peek at several of the shots from the photo session. Check out how great this looks! Susannah brought the yellow jacket with her from Boston. Both my sister and the coat are quite photogenic.

Here's another fun image taken by Sandi. Good-bye Susannah. Thanks for visiting!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh what fun we had! I loved meeting Susannah and really enjoyed the challenge this shoot gave me. You did a great job organizing everything and keeping us chatty girls focused on the task at hand : ) Isn't creative collaboration the best?!

    Bon Voyage, Susannah... enjoy the remainder of your west coast adventure!

  3. We had a blast! Thank you both so much for everything. I'll never forget our trip to Bop Records and sitting near the Bernese Mountain Dog at dinner (and the Red Vines adventure)!
