Thursday, November 11, 2010

Introducing: Cozy Fingerless Gloves

 Heather green fingerless gloves, available with embellishments $21 pair, and plain $15 pair.

I have a thing for fingerless gloves, so I'm excited to announce that we have our own line of fingerless gloves at Laura Bee Designs! We've teamed up with a machine-knitting company in New York State to create these cozy acrylic gloves. These are perfect for our Northwest climate, and will keep you warm while you text, feed the meter, or scratch your dog behind his ear.
Heather gray fingerless gloves, available with embellishments $21 pair, and plain $15 pair.  

I've been having a great time adding vintage buttons to the gloves, making each pair unique. We're also offering them without embellishments, for those who prefer a minimalist look. These gloves are a cozy wrist-warmer length to keep that pesky draft from rushing up your sleeves.

Also available in Deep Indigo, and Bright Teal.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Diane Keaton wore fingerless gloves on Jay Leno Friday, November 12. She looked wonderful, and the program had clips stressing her great fashion sense--and she looked great in the retrospective from Annie Hall on. For someone her age, the gloves cover the area which ages the most--the back of the hand. She sported a large ring and was a really great interviewee. SDB
