Wednesday, February 06, 2008


I grew up in Rochester, New York, home of Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass. I've been thinking of both of these childhood heroes lately as I watch the primary process. Anthony and Douglass worked together for the right to vote - both for black people and for women. It's astonishing that it's been less than 100 years since these rights were granted. It's more astonishing that so many of us don't participate in the process that was so hard-won.

Now I live in Washington State, where the presidential primary process doesn't count for the Democrats, and only counts for half of the Republican delegates. Instead, the both parties will caucus this Saturday. I hope lots of people show up, because this is how the delegates will be chosen. This year, at least in the close Democratic race, the Washington delegates will be key.

Here's information about the Washington state caucuses and how you can participate.

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