Tuesday, June 19, 2007


There is a shop in the same neighborhood as our store that sells puppies. Sometimes they put the puppies on sale for 20% off. They tell customers that the puppies come from "breeders." I have talked to several people who have purchased animals from this shop, only to have their new dog suffer from congenital defects and serious health problems.

No reputable breeder would sell their dogs through a pet store. I try to keep this blog positive, but each day I drive by this store I become more and more angry. I want to tell everyone I know that these cute puppies come from ugly origins and buying them only perpetuates animal cruelty. Buying them creates demand for puppy mill dogs.

I hope that you will understand why I am placing this information here on my blog. I love dogs so much, I want to urge everyone to support the Humane Society's effort to fight back against puppy mills.

If you are thinking of getting a puppy, read their helpful tips on selecting your dog. Make it a policy not to buy from pet stores or from online "breeders." Your new best friend will love you for it.
Stop Puppy Mills
HSUS MySpace Page | Stop Puppy Mills Website

True stories about Puppy Mill dogs as told by the Humane Society.


  1. It's a good soapbox to stand on. Fight the good fight and educate anyone you can who starts a sentence with, "I'm looking to buy a full breed ________."

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Some of the worst victims of puppy mills are the parents of the puppies who are kept in cages year after year to breed sometimes more than three litters a year and then are dumped by the roadside when they no longer can conceive. MOM
