Friday, August 04, 2006

So Long, Farewell…

…Auf Weidersein Keith! And from where we stand, good riddance. Sure, he’s a decent designer, but apparently only because he cheats. (He stashed contraband pattern-making books under his bed, sneaked out to find design info on the internet, and, according to this week’s Tim Gunn podcast, “showers” for hours on end and emerges with said pattern books concealed in his robe. So all-in-all, we at Laura Bee are not to heartbroken that he got what was coming to him.

On to the others! The designers had to work in teams for the second time this season, which of course stirred up some extra (extra good, that is) drama.

Did Keith deserve to get kicked off?
Ashley: Absolutely. He’s a good designer, but such a slimy character. Having a pattern book is a ridiculous advantage, plus if he’s looking at books for inspiration, who knows what his actual ideas would even look like. He could be ripping off ideas from other designers, passing them off as his own, and fooling the judges by being so charismatic. And he was having Alison and Jeffery do all of his construction work for him in the challenge! Project Runway has no use for an idea man with no skills. Good riddance. Yuck.

Laura: I did not understand Keith’s design, which was completed by Alison and Jeffrey. (See the photo above.) Maybe the straps were part of a stirrup pant outfit that he didn’t use for his designer dog last week. He’s a faker. Great TV though.

Are you happy with Bonnie’s dismissal?
Laura: They never developed Bonnie’s personality on the show, so I can see why the judges gave her the heave-ho. There wasn’t anything to make her, or this outfit, stand out. However, I think it’s unfair that the team leader always gets the axe. I think Bradley should have been Aufed, so that he could.go back to his gig as lead singer for the Spindoctors.

Ashley: Nope. I love Robert, but his design was hideous with a capital H. The top was so short and cheap looking – what was up with the flashes of midriff when she walked? I know the slit in the skirt wasn’t supposed to be that high either, but not okay for the target I.N.C. audience. And that “coat” situation… if you’re making a model look fat, you know something’s gone horribly awry. Bonnie’s design, although slightly dated by a season or two, was pretty classic. And wearing a belt at the natural waist is such a super-trend right now! I thought she should have stayed for a little longer.

Do you think Angela’s turn-around is a fluke?
Laura: She proved that choosing a good team is a big part of success. She was wise to choose Michael and Laura, and humble enough to take their suggestions seriously.

Ashley: She’ll still have to prove herself in my book. I can’t believe I’m admitting this, but I actually really liked her use of rosettes on the jacket and pants! I’m a total detail girl, and I think having Michael and Laura on her team really helped her tone it down and make her lines look a little more clean and classic. It’s interesting to me that Nina Garcia attacked Bonnie’s design for being dated, but let the fact that Angela used a version of a bolero jacket which were in style over a year ago just slide by.

What do you think about this week’s drama? Post us a comment and let us know your take! You can post anonymously, so go ahead and be as snarky as you want – we love it all.


  1. Anonymous2:34 PM

    your spin doctors comment cracks me up.

    dude, what about the fact that Keith tried to talk down the Mood cashiers to get a deal on price? isn't that also playing an unfair advantage?

    i agree with Ashley that Bonnie's outfit didn't deserve to be auf'd. but i also agree that she didn't ever really bring much to the table.

    i loved how Laura and Michael harnessed the poofy design beast in Angela. i believe Laura and Michael will probably make the top 3.

    in Cambridge, i was sweating bullets - partly b/c I thought Robert might get auf'd, and partly b/c i was afraid the electricity might get auf'd in the apartment (due to the unprecedented heat wave).

    actually, i think i liked Bonnie's outfit better than Robert's (Kayne referred to the skirt as "skanky" and I agree), but fortunately (since Robert is one of my favs), it seems that the judges look at the designers longitudinally-- and Bonnie hadn't done as well in the past.


  2. Anonymous2:37 PM

    agreed re: tank top straps? ick. so 80's (Michael Kors would have called 'em "80's power bitch straps.")


  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I sure am on the wrong side of the generation gap. I could identify with the blog better when it was about me and your childhood and Otis the Pug. But then, I did confess to an American Idol fixation so I can't be too critical of the attention given to project runway. M
