Sunday, August 13, 2006

Project Runway: Foxy Brown Rules

After the earlier Keith fiasco, we were happy to see the good guy get ahead this week. Michael has been quietly racking up points as this season’s sleeper favorite, and the Icon Challenge finally put him out front where he belongs.

Pam Grier is the perfect muse for our friend Michael. He rocked the challenge with bold color, sublime sewing, and sexy style. You know how it went; you watched it!

Do you know Pam Grier? Have you seen the classics Coffy or Foxy Brown? In the 1970s she was the black equivalent of Wonder Woman, without the invisible jet or golden lasso. She was tough and sexy, and ever so cool. More recently, she was smart and lovely in Jackie Brown. Read her filmography here. Props to Michael Knight capturing Grier’s essence in his fuchsia garment.

This week, we’re not going to lament Vincent’s odd rendition of Twiggy, or Bradley’s space age mylar Cher outfit. Instead, it’s time to place our bets on who is going to land in the final three, and why.

Laura’s predictions:

1.) Michael will be in. He’s serious about his work, avoids the drama, and is brilliant at fit and design. I love his excitement about fashion, and his sense of humor.

2.) Laura will be in. She has transcended my original suspicion that she was a rich dilettante. Her construction is strong, and her Katherine Hepburn outfit was underrated on the runway. She'll stay consistent and classic.

3.) Alison will be in. I find her sweet persona a little cloying at times, but I think her mix of avant garde silhouettes and high fashion styles to be unlike anything else that has been on PR. I think she’ll stay in by presenting strong clothes that have her edgy point of view.

Laura's wish list:

1.) Uli could be in. I’m hedging my bets a little here because I think she may get into trouble for making halter dresses for each challenge. She’ll need to show more diversity in her garments to stay in the running. I do, however, love that she uses prints in her garments with flourish and daring. Aside from Season Two’s Barbie challenge, we haven’t seen prints on Project Runway.

2.) Kayne could be in. He’s been a fun surprise this season. I had expected him to create tacky, poofy garments. Instead, he’s responded to each challenge by brilliantly fine-tuning his designs. He still loves color and bold looks, but he’s delivered high fashion instead of high pageant.

Ashley’s predictions:
Go Michael go! I’ve been loving him since the beginning for all the above mentioned reasons, as well as being interested to see how he would transform his hip-hop niche into the sleek requirements of Project Runway. He’s in my ‘Fantasy Top 3’, but I think I’m going to go ahead and say he’s going to be in the actual top 3 as well.

My second again in each category is Uli. Her masterful fabric juxtaposition skills floor me episode after episode – she has the vision! She and Michael both have fairly calm demeanors, which I think also puts them ahead in the crazy world of fashion. The PR winner will have to have good business skills on top of their creative abilities in order to really ‘make it work’.

My third person to fill out the Fantasy Top 3 would be Alison. I’m not sure she’ll make it into the actual top 3 for the exact reason I would want her there: She’s young. Her style is such a breath of fresh air and she has the ability to make a super-girly garment with a little bit of street-wise edge.

I know, there isn’t a number 4 in the top 3, but how I do love Kayne. He would be in my fantasy top group, and I think he has a great shot at being included in the real deal if he keeps up the work he’s doing. He’s gotten lucky with a few gown challenges. I’m excited to see what he’ll do next when the end product isn’t geared towards a black-tie event. So there they are, my hopes, dreams, and predictions for this third season.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Oh, my poor Robert Barbie. What's happening to him?


  2. Anonymous8:10 AM

    kayne and robert interview!


  3. Anonymous8:11 AM

    this interview w/kayne and robert is awesome, and it's from a website called with the headliner "fake gay news- because real gay news is just too damn depressing."



  4. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Could Jeffrey be this season's Santino? I thought his updated Madonna look was horrid, but there was a lot of construction that went into it and the material selections gave it some interest. He definitely has a "point of view".

  5. Anonymous8:16 AM

    i hope jeffrey isn't this season's santino! i don't know if i could stare at that neck tattoo for too many more shows. he may be like santino in his abrasive attitude towards women. but yeah, i'll have to revisit images of the madonna outfit.

  6. Anonymous10:43 AM

    i really like how Michael was able to discern the weaknesses of his original outfit and amend it to win! shows that even creative geniuses need to come back to what they've made with fresh eyes.
