Friday, March 30, 2007

Coin Purses

Ashley made these little coin purse stacks last week. The tooled stack is bound for a store in Portland (Lemon Tree), and the dotty pile will ship to a shop in Michigan (Naka).

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Gifts from Strangers

Some time ago a local sewing teacher dropped by our shop and gave us this sewing machine. She told us that although it still works, it is too delicate for her to use in her classes. We decided to display this old beauty in our studio. It's all metal, weighs a ton, and has such a mysterious quality too.

The teacher told us that the machine was formerly owned by a woman who used it to make all of her family's clothes starting in the 1940s. Once upon a time sewing was a common, practical domestic art. It used to be less expensive to sew your own clothes than to buy them. (Before most garments were made overseas using cheap labor as they are today.)

Customers who come into our shop often tell us that the hum of our machines reminds them of their grandmother sewing. Some enjoy poking around in our button collection because they remember their great aunt's button drawer.

When I look at this machine, I think about all of the seams that it must have sewn, all of the clothes that it must have made. I feel happy to give this old Singer a home in our shop window.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

New Necklaces

Made of puffed sterling silver, these little charm necklaces are sweet and refined.

Best of all Oregon jewelry designer 'Big Girl Workshop' crafts each necklace by hand using the best sterling, pearl, and crystal components. (Prices range from $24-$40.)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

100 Years

My mom gave me this Art Nouveau jewelry box when I was a kid, back in the late '70s or early '80s. Sometimes I wonder about the Laura who owned this golden container back in 1907. What did she keep inside?

When I was in college, my mom gave me the little orange lacquer box on the left side of this picture. Since then I've built this small collection of these 1950s hand-painted Japanese tiny Jewelry chests. I even use them to store my necklaces and earrings.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Our Day Off

Today both Jeff and I had the day off, so we went here:

We bought these:

And these:

We headed over to the shop and planted two of these:

They may look a little sparse now, but in a few weeks the plants will expand and bloom. There's Jeff. He's the one with the green thumb. He made the planters too, out of recycled tires turned inside out.

While we were doing all of that, Otis was at home doing this:

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Going to Switch

A fresh batch of mini wallets and belts headed to Switch Shoes, in Portland, Oregon.